Artificial Tree: Using Ceramic Stars With A Dose of DIY

Artificial Tree: Using Ceramic Stars With A Dose of DIY

Get Creative with DIY: Making an Artificial Tree with Ceramic Stars

When it comes time to decorate your artificial tree, you will find that there are several ornaments out there that you can buy to put onto your tree. However, many people are getting into crafting their own ornaments to put onto their artificial tree. Why is this? This does allow you to have control over the color and the ornament itself. Plus, you will find that when you do put crafty christmas ornaments onto your artificial tree you often have a better sense of accomplishment since you actually made it!

Stars are a huge theme for many people who are decorating their artificial tree. After all, the star is a symbol that is all about Christmas. Think about it…we not only put the star on the top of the tree, but we often put more stars throughout the tree. With this being said, here are some simple ways that you can decorate with stars and let your crafty side run free!

First off, you will want to purchase ceramic stars that are blank slates. You will find these relatively easy to find at any type of decor store or even ordering these online. These are going to be ceramic that has been baked, already has the string in it to hang them, and are blank slates in which you can do whatever you want. Here are three ideas that you can use to decorate your ceramic stars that are super easy to do that add that personalization to your artificial tree that is going to be beautiful!


1. Chalkboard Stars

You will need some chalkboard paint that you can apply to the star on both sides. You will find that one coat is often all that you need. Now, take your white chalk and then rub this lighting over one side of the star after it has dried, then rub off. You want to give the look of a used chalkboard that has been wiped many times. Then take a liquid chalk pin and write a name on the star of a family member, or even put some Christmas terms like “Hope”, “Faith”, “Cheer”, “Joy” or the like.

2. Metallic Stars

You can easily find metallic paint that you can put onto the stars to create whatever type of feel you are going for. Many people go with gold, others go with more of a bronze look. You need to think about what theme you are using and go with whatever color will work for you. Clear-coat these after you are done for something that is simple yet effective in decorating your artificial tree.

3. Go Crazy With Color

Paint these stars in all different colors and designs to put onto your artificial tree. If you are opting for a theme that is full of color, this can be a great idea. Plus, this can be a kid-friendly activity that your kids will love to do with you to add their own crafty touch to the ornaments you are adding to your tree.